Eerily quiet

Hunting with the Synack Red Team has been eerily quiet. Very few "net new" targets, and anything new is exceedingly well tested by the legends/early access groups who get an 12+ hour head start, so it's either discounted vulns, or no vulns at all.

Over the last 90 days, these are my earnings from Synack:

Patch verifications are paid at $50.00, so they actually make up a reasonable amount of earnings. Though there is just over a week to go in the month, I don't think this will improve too much.

26th June edit: It did improve, I managed to find a "limited" SSRF, "full" SQL Injection and a path traversal on two endpoints, resulting in a bit more cash.

2nd July edit: .. and it gets betteer! A pre-tested target arrived with no vulns found on 27th and resulted in a bunch of pXSS, an ACV and some "limited SSRF". I ended up with the following:

I have been putting in less time as I am taking a bit of a break to decide my next steps in my career, but it's definitely noticeable the decline in "new things" to hack. I will be putting a bit more time in over the next month, sometimes it's the case of "being there" to get lucky, it's possible I've missed out on that a bit too.

On the upside, I should end up top 50 globally for the recognition period and as the top UK SRT, so that's something.